Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Jesus Model of Disciple Training

We hear a lot of criticism today about the Western ideal of discipleship.  We have poor discipleship models where the emphasis is on knowledge rather than living sent.  Instead of  following our modern models of discipleship, why don't we examine how Jesus did it and follow him?  Here is a great post from Felicity Dale

 How did Jesus train his disciples?
·       He shared the rough and tumble of everyday life with them (Luke 8:1-3)
·       He asked them questions to show them what they needed to learn (Matthew 16:13-20)
·       He answered their questions (eg Matthew 17:19-20)
·       He demonstrated the practical skills they needed to know (Luke 11:1-3)
·       He used teachable moments.  Consider, for example, the occasion in Matthew 20 when James and John persuaded their mother to approach Jesus about letting them sit next to him in his Kingdom.  Jesus used the opportunity to compare the world's style of leadership with his Kingdom way of leading. (You know how leadership is done in the world--rulers lord over those under them.  But with you it is to be different.  If you want to lead then become a servant and slave.)
·       He gave them assignments and had them report back, using their reports to bring fresh insight and teaching.  (Luke 10)
·       Jesus didn't give his disciples a body of knowledge, but the experience of living with him.

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