Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Is it time for a vision check up?

When is the last time you had your vision checked?  Did you try to do it yourself?  Wouldn’t it be better if you asked an objective person (preferably someone with experience) to help you?

Community leaders need to have their vision check periodically.  It only takes 30 days for vision drift to occur in leaders and much less time for followers.  It may be time for you to evaluate where you are in light of what you originally set out to do.

Get someone to help you ask the hard questions like:  What is our dream? What have you sold out to?   What are you afraid of? What are you ashamed of?  How are you changing the world?

Not only is it important to check your vision, you must use it or loose it.  Constantly communicate your vision to others so that they can communicate it as well as you.  Paint mental pictures to help the non-visonizing people you are walking with.  Begin with the end in mind and illustrate for them how your community is going to transform lives, communities and the world.  

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