Thursday, August 09, 2007

An enviornment for reproduction

At a recent gathering of the question was asked, "What are key elements needed to create and have a culture for reproduction?" Here is a summary of what was discussed:

_each person's gifts and passions are valued, and it is emphasized how much value each person has to give away.
_people are relating closely to one another, doing life together, not just gathering on Sunday.
_leaders aren't kept to preserve the organization. They are sent to spread the DNA.
_the strategy for the church does not just revolve around activities central to the church facilities.
_the vision to reproduce is more than talked about. It is lived out.
_tasks aren't delegated, they are decentralized. People are given authority to actually live sent without their pastor.
_giving away/reproducing is not just about church plants. It's about everyday living.

Church planting movements happen in environments where disciples of Jesus Christ are free to reproduce themselves and their faith communities.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The values that you articulate are so foreign to much of our current church life. Living out these values in the context of church life is critical to reproducing. Feels like dangerous territory for traditional churches. The best place to build these values is at the very beginning of the church plant.