Monday, July 24, 2006

Church Planting Intern

This summer, we had the privilege to get to know Laurie Hughes.  She is a freshman college student who served as an intern with Rising Sun Baptist Church.  The Florida Baptist Convention provided Laurie’s stipend and Greater Orlando Baptist Association provided housing and local travel expenses.  Read in Laurie’s own words what God did through her life in the summer of 2006….  

“God uses those who are ready and eager to serve Him. I have learned this in many ways this summer. Coming to Orlando with an open mind, empty schedule and flexibility has allowed me to see God’s hand in the work all over Orlando. Each person that saw the love of Jesus Christ and His glorious plan for their life through my service has made this summer more than worthwhile.
I was given the opportunity to partner with Rising Sun Baptist Church and minister to the children in the Pine Hills community. This ministry began through outreach to the community at a Block Party. This one event energized the church body as well as the neighborhood. Over 150 attended the event, and 45 made decisions for Christ. With this amazing beginning and overwhelming response, I was assured that God had great plans for this summer. Discipleship of the community became my goal and my mission for the summer.
One way that God used me to mentor and disciple the children was through a weekly Kids Club at an apartment community. This time began strong and has run consistently over 40 in attendance. The children come regularly, always hungry and consistently learning and growing. As I have been able to build relationships with these wonderful kids, the doors have been opened to minister to the families as well. Not only has the community benefited, but whole families are coming to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ!
Several events have also taken place this summer of which I have been a part. These have strengthened the relationships and ties between the community and Rising Sun Baptist Church. A concert in early June, a weeklong sports camp, a pool party in late July as well as an evening Bible Study series strengthened the foundations of the relationships formed. This partnership leaves a lasting impression and has opened many doors and witnessing opportunities. For example, an employee of the apartment community was compelled to ask us to visit a family in need of encouragement as well as groceries. During this divine appointment, God spoke through us; both the man and his wife became Christians that very afternoon. They share freely how God has set them free from their burdens, and provides for their needs. This one story is just a testament of how great a God we serve, and how he uses every moment to show His glory.
This obvious movement of the Holy Spirit has been a lesson for my own life. It has been so easy to follow His leadership by offering up my time and summer to working in Orlando. God has taught me to love genuinely, giving of myself to the ministry. Those who are lost and hurting do not need a lot of fancy words or designed programs. The gospel, my privilege to share, is simple and true. I have shared the Good News, coupled with love and concern, to whoever will listen. God has not only blessed my life through this ministry, but has also become real to so many others. I have great joy knowing that I have been used by Christ to plant the seed of His love in many hearts.
This ministry is now grown and developed, holding an abundance of hungry seekers of the truth of the gospel. My work in Orlando is completed, however, there is still much harvesting left to be done. Many have come to know Christ, but they need mentorship. Opportunities for the church to step up and raise these babes in Christ abound. My prayer for the Orlando area is that many will rise up and continue this ministry. I am in constant prayer and have complete confidence that God will utilize those with passion for the lost, completing the work that He has begun.”

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