Monday, October 24, 2005

Waiting for Wilma

Please pray for the people of South Florida as they brace for Wilma. I am hanging out with my family in the living room of our home as we anticipate the arrival of yet another hurricane.

We are way north of the strike zone for Hurricane Wilma, but we are beginning to feel the effects of the outer bands. We expect to have winds of 40-60 mph in Orlando. All area schools and several businesses will be closed on Monday. We will enjoy an extended weekend with our family.

I’ve been involved in several discussions lately regarding the extraordinary number of deadly natural disasters in the past couple of years. Some people claim that God is exercising a temporal judgment on sinful people. Others blame global warming. Still others say it is just a natural cycle. None of these view points offer much hope to people who are suffering from the affects of these disasters.

While helping with disaster relief work in Orlando last year, I realized how fragile humans really are. When a person looses their belongings due to a disaster, the media often reports that the person lost all that they had. I’ve often thought, “No they didn’t… they still have their lives, their families, other relationships, fond memories, etc”. However, I’ve noticed that even minor disruptions in a person’s life can make them feel like their whole world is falling apart. Jesus spoke of building one’s life on a solid foundation so that it would stand up against the storms of life. A person whose life foundations are shaken needs to know that there is hope.

There were no hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes or wildfires in the Garden of Eden. God created a perfect place for humans to live, but we rebelled against him. The natural consequence of our sin is that the earth received a curse (see Genesis 3:17). Natural and man-made disasters are indirect results of the curse.

Jesus came to earth to restore humanity to perfect humanness and promised that he would prepare a perfect place for us so that we could go to be where he is. When everything is fully restored, there will be no more curse (See Revelation 22:3). There will be no sorrow, sadness, pain, or death in heaven and Jesus will wipe every tear from our eyes.

This promise brings hope. But, hope can only be wishful thinking if there is no basis for it. Those who become followers of Jesus Christ can know for sure that their hope is real They can know that they are building their lives on a solid foundation that will withstand the storms of life. This is an unmerited gift from God that comes through faith and not by working for it.

Sharing this message has brought more hope to people than anything else we try to do. Sure, there is comfort in giving a cup of cold water or a hot meal in Jesus name. Many people have been encouraged by a listening ear, a kind word and a compassionate prayer. But, nothing beats resting on the solid foundation that is Jesus.

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