Thursday, December 14, 2006

Your Greatest Work

My friend, Lindsay cofield, sent this to me...

YOUR GREATEST WORK…“In work, in ministry, or in any other endeavor, imagine everything you've ever accomplished up to this point. Visualize every obstacle, every failure, and every success as nothing more than preparation for what you will one day accomplish. In one moment, one day, one week, one month, or one year, you may accomplish more - and have greater impact - than all your previous years combined. And that one incredible season of fruitfulness would not have been possible, but had it not been for all the years of toil that prepared you for your greatest work. Particularly in service to the Kingdom of God, by His power and His indwelling Holy Spirit, always be aware that years you spend in seeming futility may one day yield a harvest of staggering proportions, not to mention eternal reward and commendation from the…KING.....” W.J.Ericson

2 Timothy 2:1-7 Accountability
  1. What is your highest God-Calling in this chapter of your life?

  2. What has helped you stay focused & God dependent this week?

  3. What Bible person/circumstance best describes you this week: Joseph, Daniel, Job, Paul, other_____________
    ~pit, prison, exile, mountain top, promised land, desert, pilgrimage, other________
  4. Who is your Timothy? Barnabas? Paul?...and how have you invested in them lately?

  5. What is hindering, distracting, blessing, or multiplying your Kingdom work lately?

  6. What are you building now for future fruitbearing?

  7. What is your #1 prayer support need today?________________________

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