Thursday, August 10, 2006

More or Bigger Churches?

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According to new information released by Natural Church Development, small churches grow faster than large churches. Over the past five years, churches with an average attendance of less than 100 added an average of 32 people each (38%) while churches over 1,000 added an average of 112 people each (4%).

The smallest churches averaged 51 people in worship attendance while mega churches averaged 2,856 people. So, if 56 new churches were started with 51 people each… 1,792 new people could potentially be reached within five years. One megachurch of 2,586 people would tend to reach 112 new people. NCD author Christian Schwarz claims, “Thus we can conclude that the evangelistic effectiveness of minchurches is statistically 1,600 percent greater than that of megachurches!” (Christian A. Schwarz, Natural Church Development: A Guide to Eight Essential Qualities of Healthy Churches, Revised. Carol Stream, Ill.: ChurchSmart Resources, 2006 p. 50).

What about quality? Can small churches provide a "quality experience" for their members? Perhaps a better question is... Are small churches effective at making and multiplying disciples? What do you think?

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