Monday, December 05, 2005

Orlando could soon be known more for Jesus than Mickey!

There is an interesting statement in Acts 19:10 that often goes unnoticed: This went on for two years, so that all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia heard the word of the Lord. Did I read that right?  Did everyone in Asia Minor hear the gospel? How did it happen?  Can it happen in Central Florida?

When we read the rest of the chapter, we discover that Paul was in Ephesus, teaching at the school of Tyrannus.  It is not likely that everyone in Asia Minor had the opportunity to go to Ephesus to hear the gospel directly from the mouth of Paul.  They heard it in their own communities from people connected with local churches that were planted by the church at Ephesus and her daughter churches.

A church planting movement was sparked in Ephesus, a key metropolitan for reaching the entire region.  Paul and his team discipled missionary church planters in Ephesus and sent them out all over Asia Minor.  The result was that everyone in the province had an opportunity to hear the gospel.   What about Central Florida?  Could everyone here have that same opportunity? Absolutely!

Our theme for 2006 is “Acts 1:8, Who will it take?”  It will take Visionary Leaders who will pour themselves into empowering others to take the gospel to unreached people groups right here in Central Florida. It will take Engaged Churches that birth new churches in new and transitional communities.  It will take Transformed People who continually give themselves away so that others can come to know Christ.

It is possible that we will one day be able to say that all of Central Florida, both Christians and non-Christians heard the word of the Lord.  That means that Orlando could soon be known more for Jesus than Mickey.  In order for that to happen, there must be enough churches in every community to makes disciples of those who accept the message of the gospel.  That is why we are passionate about  planting churches.

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